Privacy Policy


From the moment you visit CDC Design’s website or its mobile applications and make use of and/or call upon the services offered by CDC Design, you will inevitably communicate to the latter certain given personal data. CDC Design attaches paramount importance to the safe, transparent, and confidential processing of such personal data. The present privacy statement is therefore meant to inform you about the kinds of data we collect, the reasons why we collect them, if they are shared with third parties, for how long they are being retained in our records, what rights you have, and how you can exercise those rights.

CDC Design thanks you for reading carefully this privacy statement. By communicating your personal data to us, for instance, by registering for the services offered by CDC Design, you explicitly declare to have gained cognisance of, and to agree with, the privacy policy adopted by CDC Design, as well as to the processing of your data themselves.

The present privacy statement is based on the European Directive of 27 April 2016 concerning the privacy protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and the free movement of data (General Data Protection Regulation), and includes CDC Design’s rights and obligations vis-à-vis the external persons whose personal data she is processing. The privacy statement is not applicable to the processing of data on behalf of third parties and in keeping with the instructions of such parties.

Scope of application

The present privacy policy relates to all services that are being offered by or to CDC Design and, in general, to all activities carried out by the latter.

Data Controller

CDC Design bv, having her registered offices in 2600 Berchem, Vijfhoekstraat 24 and operating with enterprise number 0643.814.239 is the data controller of your personal data. You can contact CDC Design via: T: +32 471 03 09 26 – E-mail:

What kinds of personal data are processed by CDC Design?

The following personal data are being processed when you make use of CDC Design’s website or mobile applications or call upon the services rendered by CDC Design: Personal identification data (name, first name, address, national registry number) / Contact data (telephone number, address and e-mail address) / Financial details (KBO-number, banking information) / Electronic identification data (IP address, location, cookies).

Aside from this general information, CDC Design processes all other kinds of information that you have consented to communicate to CDC Design or that the latter has gathered about you. Furthermore, CDC Design can also deduce certain information from the facts you have provided to her. In addition, CDC Design also uses cookies. For more information about this, we refer you to our cookie policy.

Why and on what legal grounds are these personal data being processed?

  1. Data of clients: CDC Design collects personal data when you make use of her website or mobile applications, or when you call upon the services provided by CDC Design. The processing of personal data is essential to the proper functioning of the website and associated service provision, as well as for the purpose of optimising and personalising such services. In concrete terms, CDC Design uses the personal data of her clients listed under point D, as well as, case pertaining, of their personnel, collaborators, appointees, and other useful contact persons in order to be able to ensure the due implementation of agreements with these parties, the customer management, the bookkeeping, the market research, and direct marketing activities such as the distribution of promotional or commercial information or the use on social media. The legal grounds for the processing of such information are prior consent, the implementation of the respective agreements, the fulfilment of legal and regulatory obligations and/or CDC Design’s own justified interest. For what concerns direct marketing activities via e-mail, CDC Design will invariably request prior consent. This consent may be revoked at any and all times.
  2. Data concerning collaborators and suppliers: CDC Design collects the personal data of her personnel and self-employed collaborators, as well as of all other suppliers, their personnel, collaborators, appointees, and other useful contact persons. In concrete terms, CDC Design uses the personal data of her collaborators and suppliers for the purpose of ensuring due implementation of the agreements with these parties, the personnel and pay-roll administration, the supplier policy, the bookkeeping, and direct marketing activities such as the distribution of promotional and commercial information, or the use on social media. The legal grounds for the processing of such information are prior consent, the implementation of the respective agreements, the fulfilment of legal and regulatory obligations and/or CDC Design’s own justified interest. For what concerns direct marketing activities via e-mail, CDC Design will invariably request prior consent. This consent may be revoked at any and all times.
  3. Sensitive data: Sensitive data include, amongst others, those that are related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, health-related data, religious or philosophical convictions and views, or data pertaining to sexual behaviour or sexual orientation. In principle, CDC Design does not collect sensitive data, unless these are voluntarily offered or communicated within the context of compliance with legal or regulatory obligations. However, data about personal health may well prove useful to improve the provision of services and to satisfy specific health requirements.
  4. Other data: And, finally, CDC Design collects and processes personal data of other persons, such as network contacts, useful contacts within the sector, previous employees and self-employed collaborators, job applicants, etc., which are of interest within the scope of her activities and the marketing and public relations policy. The legal ground for this is CDC Design’s justified interest or, case pertaining, a matter of contractual necessity.
  5. Are your personal data communicated to third parties? Your personal data are never casually sold or passed on to third parties for commercial purposes. CDC Design does, indeed, call on the following third parties to implement the agreement/collaboration with you: Employees and self-employed collaborators of CDC Design, as well as their respective (management) companies; Marketing agency; Accountant; Auditor; Social secretariat;Insurance companies. For anything else, your personal data shall only be passed on to third parties: If and when you have given explicit prior consent to their release; If and when CDC Design is under a legal imposition or legal obligation to pass on your personal data, for instance, within the context of preventing their fraudulent use and misuse; or in the event of a wholesale or partial re-organisation of CDC Design, transfer of her business operations, or bankruptcy.
  6. Security and confidentiality: CDC Design undertakes all reasonable technical and/or organisational measures to avoid the destruction, the loss, the falsifying, the alteration, the non-authorised access, or erroneous release of personal data to third parties. The employees, self-employed collaborators, appointees and/or representatives of the afore-mentioned third parties are in their turn legally obliged to respect the confidential nature of your personal data. They can use these data only within the context of the purposes for which they were communicated. Nonetheless, CDC Design can in nowise be held liable for direct or indirect damage arising from a faulty or illegal use of the personal data by a third party. CDC Design’s website or mobile applications contain possible links to other websites that are beyond the latter’s control and to which neither the present privacy statement nor the cookie policy is applicable. CDC Design does in no wise assume any responsibility for the processing of your personal data via these websites. It is highly recommended that you careful read the privacy regulation of each site that you visit.
  7. For how long do we retain your personal data? Your personal data are not retained any longer than is necessary. The data are being processed and retained by CDC Design for a period required to allow the proper realisation of the purpose for which they were collected and processed, or in pursuance of the possible contractual relationship you have concluded with CDC Design. For accounting purposes, certain personal data will be retained for minimum seven years. Such personal data that, conform to accounting regulations, need not be retained shall be removed from the moment CDC Design has no longer any use for them in order to realise the intended objectives. Likewise, we will remove your personal data at your explicit request communicated to us via the above-mentioned contact information.
  8. What are your rights? Pursuant to the Belgian privacy legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the following rights: To inspect the data that pertain to you personally and that are being processed by CDC Design, and, case pertaining, to request the correction of inaccurate and/or incomplete personal data or their removal, as well as – in certain instances – to demand the limiting of the processing of these data, or object altogether to their being processed. To request the transfer of your personal data, either via their dispatch to you in a legible form, or via direct transfer by CDC Design to the new provider as identified by yourself. To object to the public use of your personal data by direct marketing. To revoke a previously granted consent for the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes.

    You can exercise your rights by contacting CDC Design via the above-mentioned contact data. Should you be of the opinion that your rights have been infringed upon and/or you are dissatisfied with the manner in which CDC Design has treated your request or your complaint, you have the opportunity to lodge a complaint with the supervising authority via the following contact data: Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit (Commission for the Protection of Privacy), Drukpersstraat 35 – 1000 Brussels, +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Furthermore, you can also address your complaint to the Court if you are of the opinion to have suffered damaged as a result of the processing of your personal data.

  9. Applicable law and judicial competence: The present privacy statement is governed, interpreted, and executed pursuant to Belgian law. The Courts of the Province of Antwerp, Department Antwerp, shall be competent to hear and entertain each and every dispute that might or could be arising from the interpretation or the implementation of this privacy statement.
  10. Acceptance and alterations: By visiting CDC Design’s website, opening an account, subscribing to the newsletter and, finally, by completing your reservation, you accept all provisions in the present privacy statement and confirm your consent to CDC Design’s collecting and processing your personal data pursuant to the information communicated therein. Furthermore, in consequence of possible future changing legislative or regulatory provisions obtaining, the present privacy statement may be revised at some later date. CDC Design therefore advises you to consult this page at regular intervals to stay informed. Should you have any further questions regarding the processing of your personal data by CDC Design, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail to, by telephone at +32 471 03 09 26, or by regular mail to CDC Design, Vijfhoekstraat 24, 2600 Antwerpen (Berchem).

On view until 17 May 2024
An ongoing collection by Caroline De Cuyper

Creative director and multidisciplinary designer Caroline De Cuyper is delighted to welcome you to our temporary showroom, where you can explore her latest designs for furniture and other objects. She looks forward to sharing her unique perspective on elevating hospitality and real estate projects for stronger connections and higher returns.