
At CDC Design, we turn houses into homes and spaces into narratives. Our passion for interior design extends beyond mere aesthetics; it’s about crafting environments that reflect the unique personalities and lifestyles of you, our client. To bring out your personal story, we invest time and close attention to bring a new perspective to the space.

Envision a space that embodies your unique blend of personal interest, cultural heritage, and cherished family memories. We strike the perfect balance between comfort and style for moments shared with your loved ones. That is how we approach each project, with dedication. We put together a palette of color, texture, materials that reflects your vision and spirit for the space. From concept development to final execution, we prioritize open communication and collaboration to ensure that your space not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Home of Éli & Louis

Housing Project
, Antwerp, Belgium


Éli & Louis bought their first house in Berchem together. As CEO of YUST Housing, Louis knows us well from previous collaborations for the interior of YUST Antwerp. He panicked several times when we shoved our mood boards in his face, but was pleasantly surprised with the result every time again. We were given carte blanche for their home.

Carte blanche with a starter’s budget and two different tastes – a challenge? Éli likes warm, rich interiors with vintage accents. Louis prefers sleek, concrete and as little stuff as possible. Both are very colourful people. So our interpretation led to a colourful result, with a few tighter touches. We decided to work with recycled materials as much as possible. 

We decorated the bathroom with surplus tiles from YUST Antwerp. Because there was not enough of one colour to cover one wall, we puzzled out a geometric pattern. This is shown to its best advantage in combination with the vintage washbasin. The continuous tiles – also recycled – from the floor to the wall give an ‘infinity’ feeling. A bathroom you never tire of.

In the hall, yellow glass tiles provide light and colour. A favourite of Éli. Louis got a blue concrete floor in the kitchen. Here we also integrated some typical CDC elements; lines and grids through the grooves in the cabinet doors and the red jointed splashback. What also adorns the kitchen is its openness. You can turn it into one long room by opening the windows. This creates an open working atmosphere when the room is used as a home office.

Other Residential Projects

Housing Project
, Antwerp, Belgium
Housing Project
, Antwerp, Belgium
Weekend Getaway
, Antwerp, Belgium
Housing project
, Antwerp, Belgium
Design house
, Kapellen, Belgium

On view until 17 May 2024
An ongoing collection by Caroline De Cuyper

Creative director and multidisciplinary designer Caroline De Cuyper is delighted to welcome you to our temporary showroom, where you can explore her latest designs for furniture and other objects. She looks forward to sharing her unique perspective on elevating hospitality and real estate projects for stronger connections and higher returns.