
Crafting interior designs to fit any timeline, catering to your distinctive needs and efficiently accommodating diverse budgets.

We ensure that every detail is cared for when it comes to objects and art and the interconnected experience in your space. We specialize in designing and sourcing bespoke furniture, lighting, accessories and decoration pieces that become a signature to your brand identity and customer experience.

A unique concept that will give the right balance between functionality and emotional value. Join us as we embark on our creative voyage. We show you what is possible. We transform your spaces into narratives.


Boutique hotel
, Antwerp, Belgium


Located in an emerging neighbourhood of Antwerp, YUST Housing brings together short and long-term stays, events, food and culture. The design intends to create a welcoming environment that unites likeminded people.

Our inspiration for the interior and branding of YUST started with Coup de Chocolat’s ‘Jerome’ packaging. Its dark blue and black background has countless coloured dots which seem in motion. This unique packaging intrigued us and reminded us of the universe: A colourful, dynamic, and magical place. Exactly what YUST needed to become.

The style we created for Yust became an edgy blend of vintage finds, as well as custom designs like the CDC-T01 table and CDC-L01 lamp, combined with different materials full of character. Together with many dedicated partners, we ended up creating an ever-vibrant hub where you can discover new food as well as art and music. It’s a place that brings strangers together, sparks their interests and leaves them feeling inspired.

Other Hospitality Projects

Rental Appartments
, Ghent, Belgium
Rental Appartments
, Brussels, Belgium
, Brussels, Belgium
Rental Appartment
, Antwerp, Belgium
Rental Appartment
, Antwerp, Belgium
Rental Appartment
, Antwerp, Belgium

On view until 17 May 2024
An ongoing collection by Caroline De Cuyper

Creative director and multidisciplinary designer Caroline De Cuyper is delighted to welcome you to our temporary showroom, where you can explore her latest designs for furniture and other objects. She looks forward to sharing her unique perspective on elevating hospitality and real estate projects for stronger connections and higher returns.